Migrating my Hugo blog to Quarto

I have moved this blog from Hugo over to Quarto, and taken notes.


Mariusz S. Jurgielewicz


November 20, 2022

I haven’t been writing any post for a while and tried it again recently. It looked like I forgot what my workflow is. Hugo is supposed to make things easy but maybe because my setup was slightly different than the one they recommend now I struggled to get up to speed.

My Hugo workflow

  1. I am using separate repo and have Hugo public folder setup as git submodule to actual Github pages repo.
  2. Theme is is also submodule but it does not matter for deployment
├── README.md
├── archetypes
   └── default.md
├── config.toml
├── content
   ├── about.md
   └── posts
       ├── murphys-laws.md
       ├── rusty_feather.md
       └── terraform_best_practice_guide_for_developers.md
├── deploy.ps1
├── deploy.sh
├── public
   ├── 404.html
├── resources
├── static
   └── images
       ├── avatar.png
       └── esp-rust-board.gif
└── themes
    └── hugo-coder
  1. I usually use new command to create new post: hugo new posts/rusty_feather.md
  2. I can test it locally: hugo server -D
  3. Finally I got deployment scripts for Mac and Windows.

# If a command fails then the deploy stops
set -e

printf "\033[0;32mDeploying updates to GitHub...\033[0m\n"

# Build the project.
hugo -t hugo-coder

# Go To Public folder
cd public

# Add changes to git.
git add .

# Commit changes.
msg="rebuilding site $(date)"
if [ -n "$*" ]; then
git commit -m "$msg"

# Push source and build repos.
git push origin master

I could get it converted to Github Action which is current recommendation for deploying your pages.

Pretty straightforward if I just use plain Markdown but in my recent post I decided to put an images in and I forgot where these things are supposed to be be located. It could be static/images or resource/images and nothing seemed to work for me. I got even more frustrated when I wanted refer to image from internet. Standard Markdown did not work, why I need shortcode to include image?

{{< figure src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/esp-rs/esp-rust-board/master/assets/rust_board_v1.2_diagram.png" title="ESP32-C3-DevKit-RUST-1" >}}

Overall, it seemed too complicated or I am getting lazy. I could get it migrated to Github Actions and have automated rendering at every git push. Maybe spend some time researching better organization of files and best practices.


Instead I searched in Goggle: “Migrating from Hugo to”

What options popped up?

  1. Gatsby - Javascript based
  2. 11ty - Javascript based but it could use Markdown templates with some plugins
  3. Quarto - Documents as plain text markdown or Jupyter notebooks.

First two felt like going back Jekyll but worse because it will use Javascript instead of Ruby. But third option sounded promising.


Hugo Quarto
Markdown templates
Front Matter TOML1 YAML
Github integration
New site generator 2
New page generator
tags 3
Server with live reload

On very basic level both tools looked similar, same type of input, simple project structure and static site as an output.

New Quarto workflow.

Started with generated empty blog:

quarto create-project melastmohican.github.io --type website:blog

In Hugo, my .md files were in content/posts as individual files, rather than in folders. For my Quarto site, I wanted them in a folder called posts and I wanted each post to have it’s only folder with content in a file called index.qmd nested within. I wrote a quick python script to help me do this.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import glob
from pathlib import Path
import shutil

# Get the list of all files and directories
path = "<hugo site>/content/posts/"
files = glob.glob(path + "*.md")

for i in range(len(files)):
    src = files[i]
    foldername = Path(src).stem
    dir = "posts/"+foldername
    Path(dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    dst = dir+"/index.qmd"
    print("src: " + src + " dst: " + dst)
    shutil.copy2(src, dst)

I have to do some cleanup after that but project folder looks almost like in Hugo:

├── README.md
├── _quarto.yml
├── _site
   ├── about.html
   ├── index.html
   ├── listings.json
   ├── posts
   ├── profile.jpg
   ├── robots.txt
   ├── search.json
   ├── site_libs
   ├── sitemap.xml
   └── styles.css
├── about.qmd
├── index.qmd
├── posts
   ├── _metadata.yml
   ├── migrating-from-hugo-to-quarto
   │   ├── gsearch.png
   │   └── index.md
├── profile.jpg
└── styles.css
  1. If I want new post:
mkdir posts/migrating-from-hugo-to-quarto
touch posts/migrating-from-hugo-to-quarto/index.qmd
  1. Then I need to add Front Matter:
title: "Migrating my hugo blog to quarto"
subtitle: | 
  I have moved this blog from hugo over to quarto, and taken notes.
date: "2022-11-20"
categories: [quarto, blogging, hugo]
image: "preview.jpg"
  1. Next, I can try it:
quarto preview
  1. Last step would be:
quarto publish gh-pages
? Update site at https://melastmohican.github.io? (Y/n)  Yes
From https://github.com/melastmohican/melastmohican.github.io
 * branch            gh-pages   -> FETCH_HEAD
Rendering for publish:
[ 2/12] posts/migrating-from-hugo-to-quarto/index.md

branch 'gh-pages' set up to track 'origin/gh-pages'.
HEAD is now at a871c16 rebuilding site Mon Nov 14 16:32:05 PST 2022
Preparing worktree (resetting branch 'gh-pages'; was at a871c16)
[gh-pages 6750867] Built site for gh-pages
 39 files changed, 11245 insertions(+), 2402 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 posts/migrating-from-hugo-to-quarto/gsearch.png
 create mode 100644 posts/migrating-from-hugo-to-quarto/index.html
 create morigin https://github.com/melastmohican/melastmohican.github.io.git (fetch)
origin  https://github.com/melastmohican/melastmohican.github.io.git (push)
To https://github.com/melastmohican/melastmohican.github.io.git
   a871c16..6750867  HEAD -> gh-pages

NOTE: GitHub Pages sites use caching so you might need to click the refresh
button within your web browser to see changes after deployment.

[✓] Deploying gh-pages branch to website (this may take a few minutes)
[✓] Published to https://melastmohican.github.io


  1. Originally when I started but today I guess it supports TOML, YAML and JSON↩︎

  2. Hugo got site generator while Quarto have projects and one of the project types is website or blog↩︎

  3. I was always confused why I need to define both in Hugo↩︎