Rusty Feather

Rust on ESP with ESP32-C3-DevKit-RUST-1


Mariusz S. Jurgielewicz


November 14, 2022

Recently I stumbled upon info about using Rust language on embedded systems including microcontrollers. I searched for some tutorials and online trainings and it seems like you need specific hardware usually. Getting STM32F3DISCOVERY or nRF52840 DK is not practical because I will have limited use for these boards after completing training. I was almost willing to get micro:bit when I found out that Ferrous Systems and Espressif’s announced Rust Training on ESP32. ## ESP Rust Board It is officially called ESP32-C3-DevKit-RUST-1 if you want to search for it. The board is based on successful ESP32-C3-MINI-1 module and has 6DoF IMU (ICM-42670-P), a temperature and humidity sensor (SHTC3), a Li-Ion battery charger, and a Type-C USB in familiar Adafruit Feather format. It is pretty close to Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather with BME280 Sensor minus Stemma connector but with IMU sensor instead. ESP32-C3-DevKit-RUST-1 ## Rust on ESP Community It seems like Espressif has pretty well organized community on Github. You can start exploring from Rust on ESP book. Eventually, I was able to follow ‘Embedded Rust on Espressif’ training available as a book or Github repo. If you follow the training alone you would notice that problems you encounter are usually reported in issues section of the repo. Rust on ESP in pretty much WIP so sometimes Google is you friend since others might have solved the same problem.


I am new to Rust Embedded so with minimal investment I was able to get a taste of development ecosystem which is still growing and evolving. It is impressive how easy to use it is so far. Hardware needed for training should also be compatible with my collection and reusable in other projects. Blinky